Oakford Archaeology carried out an archaeological building survey and watching brief between February and December 2016 at No 40 The Strand, Topsham, Devon.
It is an important, if unconventional, historic house lying on the east side of a number of historic wharfs and quays on the Strand. The large size and architectural features of the property reflect a large and prosperous mercantile establishment in the 17th to the 18th centuries, and subsequent decline, partial demolition and rebuilding, followed by subdivision during the later 18th and 19th centuries.
Evidence from the building recording and, in particular, the excavations within the higher garden, suggest perhaps an earlier date for the house than has generally been postulated for similar buildings on The Strand.
The building recording and archaeological watching brief demonstrated that the house has a complex structural history; the subsequent additions have tended only to conceal the substantial interest of this house.